Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Jonas is getting so big it's crazy. He weighs 17.6 lbs and im not sure how long he is. But here is a pic from when we first brought him home and a more recent pic. as soon as i take a pic of him in his carseat i am going to put pics up to compare how big he has gotten so you can better see the difference.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Both Mine & Jonas's First Car Accident :(

so me and jonas were in a car accident but we are both ok. the chick totalled my car so now i don't have a car. :( Im not going to make any actions with the insurance co. (which i can't anyways quite yet b/c they are waiting on the police report) until i get an attorney. all the pictures are on my myspace but here is what the outside looks like. im just glad that jonas is ok. i don't know what i would do with myself if he didn't come out of it ok.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Meet & Greet Baby Shower!!!

These are the pictures from the baby shower which was tons of fun. we played a game where you had to guess the nasty stuff that was in a diaper- diaper taboo. you had a partner who could sorta help you figure out what it was. it was great. mom and jackie had to guess how much water was in the bottles they had, acurately add formula and prepare the bottle while blind folded. i had so much fun and i hope that everyone had just as much fun. thankyou mom so much for throwing my baby shower!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Jonas Update

So Jonas is doing good. Had to quit breast freeding cause im drying up and i can't keep up with him. i chose to stop cause i want him to be on one or the other. it was really hard to give it up and i am struggling a lot with that disicion. we are back at home-same o same o. jonas has a really bad rash so that's pretty much the only thing that is stressing me out right now cause it really bothers me to see him in so much pain. might have to go to cloth diapers. the reason why i hadn't before was because i didn't want him to be super sensitive later on in life due to the fact that he wasn't exposed to the different chemicals and additives as a baby but turns out he's pretty sensitive already. well maybe i will post new pics soon if i go to moms so everyone can see how big he's getting already. he's trying to hold his head up for longer periods of time and can now roll to one side-sometimes. other than that he just gets really frustrated that he can't do what it is he wants to do. he's trying to grow up to fast. :(

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jonas's First Bath

Silly Jonas

Being With Family

Jonas laying with his neices and then again with daddy and his big sister Ani.

Being loved by all the grandparents.

Daddy and Jonas doing what they do best.