Wednesday, May 28, 2008


sorry it has been awhile since i have posted. both me and kalani got a viral infection and it has just been downhill for me since. :( i still haven't stopped throwing up yet and now its even worse...pretty much anything i eat comes back up. i guess there's just no room for food in there while he's there lol. this friday is 35 weeks. so we are getting pretty excited. time is moving so slow now. my birthing classes through the hospital is on the 3 and 5th and then my next appt. will be on june 9th so im sure we will be talking birthing plans by then as i will be pretty much 37 weeks. i feel so unprepared lol. i haven't washed any of his clothes or packed a bag for the hospital. ehh....i have time right? right? lol.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

what's with you guys getting sick all the time? Sorry you're still not done with the throwing up. That sucks. It'll be all over soon. And your reward will be soooo worth it! Love you!